I know that the fagirls played some part because for crying outloud they are everywhere! Still...my obsessive hatred was just as ridiculous as their love. The answer came in the form of my best friend reading Twilight and gushing about ...
Sono certa che presto verrai sommersa di critiche e insulti di fagirls e affini, per aver ?additato? le loro creazioni superiori e perfette come uno scempio della lingua italiana e spesso anche di quella giapponese ed inglese . ...
bFagerls/b study areas were close t o the seaward end o f the Scripps pier. The silt/mud concentration or deposition i s considerably greater as one moves southward, approaching the offshore area o f the l a r g e s t storm drain located a t the foot o f Avenida de l a ... The La J o l l a Shores area i s a residential area, with a city-operated park, a bhotel/b, a tennis club, and a number o f p r i v a t e residences border- i n g t h e wide, sandy beach. ...